Google Stadia is coming as a revolution which might take gaming to every household, and in an attempt to make it the biggest platform it was recently revealed that Google has received more than 4000 applications from developers.

Sam Corcoran, technical account manager for Google revealed this information at Develop: Brighton. PocketGamer, were there to cover this feat achieved by Google.

This is incredible in terms of a platform which is yet to be released and the number shows that developers are wanting to take a chance to test out their games.

According to PocketGamer, all the applications will be appraised by people instead of just using technology to assess these applications.

Google’s Stadia is scheduled to be released in November to a select few countries with a look to expand to further markets in the future. The Stadia will work as a “Netflix for games” in which users will be a subscription fee and will get access to the games that are available.

Another free version of Stadia is scheduled to be released in next year but a firm release date is yet to be unveiled.

The initial signs of Stadia seem to be impressive with the number of developers looking to work with Google even before the platform is released, there are already a ton of games that have been confirmed to be released on this new platform.