Spotify has begun testing a new subscription plan, called Spotify Plus, that would hang onto the ads, but also offer unlimited skips for less than the $10 Premium plan.

Not everyone wants to pay $9.99 per month for Premium, and the free plan limits how many songs you can skip, but what about a cheaper plan with unlimited skips? Would this be something that could convert free users to paid subscribers? This is what Spotify wants to test out with its pilot for Spotify Plus.

Spotify’s free plan has a couple of caveats since it’s free, most notable of which is the inability to skip more than six tracks per hour. It’s also limited to shuffling through albums and playlists.

Spotify Plus removes both of those restrictions, allowing you to pick the songs you want to listen to and letting you skip as many tracks as often as you want.

You still have to endure ads, but, depending on how much cheaper Plus is compared to Premium, it could be worth it.

The Verge has confirmed that, as a pilot program, Spotify Plus is being tested with a limited number of users and offered at a number of different price points—most notably $1 per month.

There’s also no guarantee that Spotify Plus will end up happening, since it’s currently just a test to figure out if there’s enough interest to move ahead with the idea.

If it does end up becoming a thing, the $1 per month subscription is only one possibility—the final cost could be a bit higher—though it should be less than Premium’s $9.99 per month.

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