In Spider-Man: Miles Morales, you will have to encounter with dozens of enemies to save your neighbourhood from getting destroyed. To save your neighbourhood, you should actually know how to throw an enemy and how to do finisher in Spider-Man: Miles Morales.

There are tons of players who still don’t know how to do finisher in Miles Morales and if you that’s you then look no further as we have got your covered.

How to Do Finishers in Miles Morales

Finishers are powerful attacks that have the potential to beat enemies quickly by pressing two buttons. To perform a finisher in Spider-Man: Miles Morales, you need to build almost 15 combo streak. For the unversed, you can build your own combo streak by keep hitting enemies without getting hit yourself. Once you have 15 combo streak, this finisher icon will appear on your screen, prompting you to press both triangle and circle buttons simultaneously.

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Doing this will unleash the finisher and the enemy you use it on will be defeated in no time. Once you have managed to unlock Subsequent Finishers through the skills menu, you will be able to use one finisher right after the other if you have them banked.

It should be noted that there are some enemies in Miles Morales that need two banked Finishers to be beaten. Also, most of the bosses Miles encounters will take a few finisher attacks to be effective, so it’s not a guaranteed one-hit-kill every time you use it on the difficult fights, clearly.

That’s everything you need to know about how to do finishers in Spider-Man: Miles Morales. While you are here, you might be interested in to read about how to change suits and how to get Spiderverse Suit In Spider-Man Miles Morales.