After years of copying Batman’s Arkham series, Sony produced a Spider-Man so good that it probably is one of the best superhero games ever produced and since then Insomniac Games have been delivering DLC’s and tons of costumes.

But there is a possibility that another Spider-Man game could be in the works, as a matter of fact, there’s every chance that Sony and Marvel would push for another Spider-Man and with the use of the incredible processing power of the PlayStation 5, it would do wonders for the game.

The PlayStation 5 though recently just announced, had a presentation of sorts earlier and the game they showcased running on the PS5 which is still in development was Spider-Man.

It wowed the audiences as to how fast the next generation console could process the game with almost no loading screen and the rendering capability was unlike something we have seen before.

Sony has a monopoly over the Spider-Man franchise, and that means that the upcoming sequel will be a PS5 exclusive. Though nothing is confirmed as of yet, recently Insomniac Games did publish a vacancy for a PlayStation exclusive game.

It could very well turn out to be Spider-Man 2 and by some estimate, we should get our hands on this game by 2022. Along with this Sony is also pushing to develop God of War 2 and Horizon Zero Dawn 2.

Both these games were excellent and very well received by the critics and audiences alike. It is certain that Sony has a clear developmental program and that they do not want to mess up the cycle of creating such stellar games.

We will keep updating on the development of Sony exclusives and will let you know as and when new information is either leaked or published, for more check out GamerTweak.