If you think that there are only four playable characters in Spelunky 2, you are pretty much wrong. At the beginning of Spelunky 2, there are four players in your roster, Ana Spelunky, Margaret Tunnel, Colin Northward, and Roffy D.Sloth. However, there are other bonus characters available in the game as you progress. Follow this Spelunky 2: how to unlock characters guide to know where to find these bonus characters and how to unlock them.

Spelunky 2: How to Unlock Characters

You can get new characters in Spelunky 2 by unlocking them from coffins. Coffins can be found scattered throughout the caves. But there is no certainty as to where you can find them. That’s because the caves in Spelunky are randomly generated. Therefore, you need to look out for coffins throughout the game.

When you find a coffin, just open it and the bonus character within will be unlocked. If you have found the same coffin twice, the second coffin will give you an NPC character, which will help you throughout your journey through different means.

Spelunky 2: List of Unlockable Characters

Before beginning the list, I want to make you aware that it contains only the bonus characters that I have been able to unlock until yet. Here goes the list of Spelunky 2 unlockable characters apart from the first four.

Liz Mutton: Liz is a character from the Spelunky. She is in a green outfit and carries a bow with her.

Valerie Crump: Valerie has a headphone with her as she loves music.

Alto Singh: Alto is again a character from Spelunky who is well versed in physical education. Hence, he can be a good fit for all the jumps and ropes activities in the game.

Demi Von Diamonds: She was the damsel from the first installment of the game.

Little Jay: Little Jay as the name suggests is a small kid who wants to be an explorer in Spelunky 2.

LISE Project: LISE is a robot with a beautiful friendly smile who is supposed to explore the caves.

Spelunky 2: List of Unlockable NPC characters

There are also several NPC characters that can be unlocked in Spelunky 2.

  • Tun
  • Parsnip
  • Madame Tusk
  • Terra Tunnel
  • Parmesan
  • Shopkeeper
  • Caveman Shopkeeper
  • Hired Hand
  • Yang
  • Parsley
  • Tusk’s Bodyguard

Those were all the bonus characters that I have met until now. You now know how to unlock characters in Spelunky 2. While playing the game, there are two items that you need to collect and learn how to use. These are very important and knowing how to use ropes and how to use bombs in Spelunky 2 will help you easily complete all the levels and reach the final credits of the game.