Today I was happy to be part of the special edition of Observed Tech PODCAST hosted by Richard Hay from In this special episode we talked about the Microsoft Xbox One and PlayStation 4 briefing, and we also went through Apple’s WWDC 2013 (World Wide Developer Conference) keynote.

We began by talking about Xbox One, all the new games coming this fall, the new features coming to Xbox Live, pricing and availability. And we also examined the new Xbox 360 that based on the Xbox One design.

Apple’s iOS 7 was also another interesting topic, we talked briefly on the mixed reaction around the web and the similarities between iOS 7 and Windows Phone operating system.

Wrapping up, we commented on Sony’s PlayStation 4 announcements that happened yesterday night, just a few hours after the Microsoft Global Media Briefing, and we looked at Sony’s approach to steal Microsoft’s thunder on Xbox One.

I want to thank Richard for inviting me to join him on the special episode of Observer Tech. You can follow Richard @WinObs and you can read his tech point of view on

Image source brainblogger (Flickr)