This will be the second year in a row that Sony is going to miss video games’ largest E3. Last year’s omission, Sony said that it had nothing new to show to the world while they were developing the PlayStation 5. Now when it is almost out in the open that Sony will be releasing the PlayStation 5 during the Holiday Season 2020 they are still refusing to be present at E3.

Last year’s event had drawn everyone’s attention towards Microsoft and Xbox as it went unopposed at last year’s E3 with Phil Spencer wasting no time and dropping one of the biggest moments of E3 with a sneak peek of Cyberpunk and then bringing Keanu Reeves on the stage.

This year seems like the same trend will follow, but this year Microsoft probably will have the entire world’s attention when it announces more details about Xbox Series X, there are talks about more versions of the next-gen console being released at a later date with better specs.

Sony’s withdrawal from E3 seems like the company feels that it no longer needs the attention of E3, they feel confident with their approach and will probably target other events that will reveal details about the PlayStation 5.

PlayStation 4 recently crossed the 106 Million units mark which makes this about three times more successful than the Xbox One. PlayStation 4 made a mark with its compatibility features and while nothing extraordinary was delivered it was much better than the limitations that Microsoft had on their console at launch.

PlayStation has its State of Play events which reveal new games and a closer look as to how things are progressing while giving an update on the new exclusive games in development.

Sony’s omission from E3 is a loss for all of the gaming industry, and this year’s E3 will feel a lot empty just like last year’s unless Microsoft, Nintendo, Facebook, and Google bring something great to make the loss of Sony not so evident.

While this decision is strange by Sony it will certainly have huge ramifications in the gaming world, but another theory points towards Sony not being ready to reveal their final product and won’t be done in the next six months. This reason points towards a more defined reason as to why Sony is distancing itself from E3 again.

If not for this then probably Sony does think that they are way too big and that there is no need for a big presentation and the fact that customers will line up to purchase the PlayStation 5 on release date with or without the grand marketing ploy that is E3.