As Sony’s Jim Ryan announced in a recent interview, the pre-orders for the PS5 are currently on record course. Therefore, the Japanese company cannot rule out the possibility of delivery bottlenecks at the launch.

Even if the first pre-order phase of the PS5 was quite chaotic and ensured that one or the other interested party was left out, Sony is apparently heading for an extremely successful launch.

At least this is what the statements made by Sony’s Jim Ryan in a recent interview suggest. As Ryan announced, the previous pre-order numbers are at an impressive level and could provide record numbers for the launch of the PlayStation 5.

As the CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment further explained, more PlayStation 5 consoles were pre-sold in the US within twelve hours than from the PlayStation 4 in twelve weeks. “The demand as expressed by the level of pre-order has been very, very considerable,” said Ryan, admitting that the high demand may lead to temporary delivery bottlenecks.

“It may well be that not everybody who wants to buy a PS5 on launch day will be able to find one,” Ryan added. To ensure that as many interested parties as possible receive their console, the production of the PlayStation 5 is in full swing. How many consoles can be made available for the launch, Ryan could not or did not want to reveal.

In North America, the PlayStation 5 will be available on November 12, 2020. Europe will follow on November 19, 2020, one week later. As already reported several times, Sony’s new console flagship console will appear in two different versions. The classic variant is offered at a price of $499.

Players who only get their titles in the form of downloads will get their money’s worth with the digital edition of the PS5, which is delivered without an optical drive and will be available for $399.
