A new patent filed by Sony reveals a device similar to Google Stadia, this cloud-based gaming device comes as no surprise as the race for such innovation has been picked up and we are seeing more and more competitors every day.

Microsoft had announced their device first but yet there has been no word about it, this device by Sony as shown in the patent will require to be connected to the host which presumably is the PS5 and will let users play their games on any device which has a screen.

Sony has upped their game and stated that you can use any input device to play the games which means that players will have the flexibility of using keyboards, touchscreens, trackpads, buttons, video captures cameras, motion trackers, inertial-sensing wands and more instead of just sticking to the controller.

In summary, the patent states that ‘An apparatus for recording application state information over time while simultaneous recording application streaming interactive video output. Playback means in which the recorded application video may be played back or the application may be re-executed with the application state information’.

As for the payment structure, Sony is working with two options as of right now, the first one lets users pay a monthly fee for video games like Netflix and the other is more like the traditional method where you pay the developers and Sony gets a cut.

Though there is no official confirmation by Sony regarding this so it is best to take it with a pinch of salt as these companies keep registering patents on a regular basis.

We’ll keep updating as we learn more about this, till then you check up on other news and guides.