As you all know, many months have passed since Sony Interactive Entertainment announced the brand of PlayStation Studios, which is the symbol that it intends to insert in every game it publishes. However, it appears that the Japanese company is planning to extend its studios as well, since it is attempting to purchase Warframe and Gears Tactics Studios, Leyou Technologies.

This Chinese giant is a very important name for the entire gaming industry: just think that it has teams like Digital Extremes, better known for their work with Warframe, the Splash Damage, the latter famous for products such as Brink and the recent Gears Tactics, or the Certain Affinity, who have co-developed many AAA-titles in their career.

In case the issue is correct, Sony is probably interested in taking these teams to allow them to focus on mainly multiplayer products, so as to cover a category certainly not present in the exclusives of the Japanese company.

Obviously they are not the only contenders interested in the purchase: just think that iDreamSky, in addition to discussing with Leyou for some time, presented an offer of 1.23 billion dollars in the month of May 2020. The current pandemic has however led all stalled discussions, although obviously not concluded.

“Sony is hoping that it can edge out other bidders with greater certainty of financing,” the sources at Bloomberg explained.  “Leyou’s [controlling shareholder Charles] Yuk aims to choose a buyer and sign an agreement as soon as this month, the people said. Talks are still ongoing and no final decision has been made. Other bidders could still emerge.”

Unfortunately, the representatives of Sony and Loyou Technologies have not left any official comment, without offering any confirmation or denial on the matter. Assuming that the information on the acquisition is correct and successful, it is interesting to discover the fate of the works currently being worked on in the studios concerned.

While waiting to find out the future of all these development teams, we remind you that the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X version of Warframe has recently been confirmed.