Some companies have great ads to showcase and describe what it is that they do. But, over a course of time, we start recognizing these services by different names for their notorious activities. Clif Dickens, a graphics designer who runs a website, HonestSlogans, has made some funny ads which, truth be told, are honest and more appropriate than the real ones. Check out the ads below, and let us know what you think about them in the comments.

1. Low Winter Sun cancelled.

2. Do you use AOL still? Neither do we!

3. The 16GB variant starts at $400!

4. Let me play it once more, then I will quit for real!

5. Damn, I have three tabs of Facebook open!

6. No wonder it knows so much about me!

7. Did it break your package too?

8. Just bought the one with 4 blades!

9. Google + is the new Google Wave!

10. Why does it do that? Ikea, that’s why!

11. Nobody reads terms of conditions. But we should!

12. Let’s connect, shall we?

13. Ouch! Hopefully Microsoft will do something great with it!

14. No comments!

15. True story, bro!

16. Too much work for today, action time!

17. The reason why most of us still use it.

18. There are people who actually take this seriously!

19. Did it charge you extra bucks? Well that’s just Ticketmaster being, Ticketmaster.

20. It’s a miracle I am still breathing!

21. Yellow Pages, anyone? We don’t use it either.

22. Skip that ad!

23. Welcome to the site dedicated to the videos of cats!

24. Seriously, how many filters are you going to add?

25. To a better hosting service, perhaps.

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