Unless you are a Chinese living in the mainland China, most likely you won’t heard of QQ. QQ is the most widely used instant messaging application in China and its website (http://www.qq.com) is also one of the most popular website in the World (Alexa ranking 10).

Back to the main issue, if you are a QQ user (and also several other IM user) and wish to connect to the network using Pidgin or Adium (Mac), mainly because you hate the idea of running two or more IM cilents on your desktop, most likely you won’t be successful with the default setting.

For those who are looking for the solution, here’s the quick fix:

Adding QQ to Pidgin

In your Pidgin, go to the Accounts -> Manage Accounts section and add a new account.

Select QQ from the protocol and enter your QQ number and password.

Click on the Advanced tab. Under the Client Version, change it to QQ2008.

Next, uncheck the field “Use Tcp” (I have found that it works better without TCP).

Click Add. Depend on your location, it will take some time to connect to QQ.

Adding QQ to Adium

For Adium, first make sure you are running the latest 1.4beta version. If not, go here to download the latest beta version and install in your Mac (only for Mac 10.5.8 or later).

Open your newly installed Adium. Go to File -> Add Accounts -> QQ, enter your login information. Click on the Options tab. Enter the following information:

  • Login server:
  • Port: 8000
  • Uncheck the TCP connection
  • Select the 2008 client version.

Click Ok. It should connect to QQ now.

Let us know if this is useful for you.

Snippet is a short tip/trick or just a quick fix for a certain issue that we discover from time to time. Don’t forget to subscribe to our RSS feed for more up to date tutorials/tips/tricks.

Damien Oh started writing tech articles since 2007 and has over 10 years of experience in the tech industry. He is proficient in Windows, Linux, Mac, Android and iOS, and worked as a part time WordPress Developer. He is currently the owner and Editor-in-Chief of Make Tech Easier.

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