Spanning a lifetime of two decades, Sims was one of the earliest life-simulators in the gaming world and has garnered the reputation of millions of gamers worldwide due to its acute resemblance to real-life situations and struggles.

You start small, you save every single penny and buy every essential item for your house. Eventually, raise a family, socialize in the community you live in, interact with diverse personalities, participate in events, and in all this manage your finances well. This was the general overview of the franchise itself, but what Sims Freeplay brought to us was improved graphics, increased gameplay time, and most importantly – free to play, unlike the other Sims in the franchise.

Gamers out there willing to invest some quality time in playing the game will most certainly manage to earn enough Simoleons (Sim’s currency), Lifestyle Points, and Social Points for your Sim to thrive in that world. For those who love the game but cannot give it enough time, you have a feasible option – The Sims Freeplay Mod.

What’s New in the Sims Freeplay Mod apk?

The Sims Freeplay Mod grants you –

Infinite Simoleons

This literally means that you are loaded for life. You can buy Sim all the outfits he can possibly fit in his/her wardrobe, and if the wardrobe is insufficient, you can buy a bigger one. Every item in the Sims store can be bought without hesitating or second thoughts about it. You can load your house with every bit of furniture, showpieces, anything, and everything. With enough money to spare, you have all the time in the world to work on your social skills and earn your Sim a good amount of Social Points.

Infinite Lifestyle points

Sim no longer has to perform hobbies to earn lifestyle points, you have an infinite supply of it already. In the normal game, every time your Sim character reached level 6 in his/her hobby, they were granted 1 lifestyle point, and with increasing difficulties of the hobby, you could earn up to 6 Lifestyle points. You can use the LPs to boost up the speed of tasks and buy premium items from the store. Now with an infinite supply of it, you can increase the rate of your gameplay without spending time on earning that boost.

Sims Freeplay Mod is beneficial for all those who wish to live a loaded life from the very beginning of the game, exactly like being born with a silver spoon in the mouth. While many gamers would disagree with the concept, it is noteworthy that The Sims is a life simulator, and being rich from the very beginning is something common in real life too. Hence The Sims Freeplay Mod can be regarded as just another version of life and nothing unrealistic.

For more information interesting mods of various games, check out our Game Mods section.