In Sims 4, you can adopt kids to join your family. Someone who is not biologically related to you can be a part of your family and get a new lease of life. In this Sims 4 adoption guide, you will know how to adopt children.

Sims 4 Adoption: How to Adopt Kids in Sims 4?

In order to adopt a child, you must have §1,000. Go to a computer inside your home and select Household. From there, go to Adopt. Select the option to pay §1,000 to adopt a child.

After doing this, you will get the list of kids up for adoption. There will be some babies, toddlers and slightly older children. You can scan the list to see which child you would like to adopt. After making this big decision, simply go ahead and choose the child. Once you do this, your sim will leave for some time and return with the child you chose.

If you’d like another way to initiate a Sims 4 adoption, you can also check an adult’s cell phone and visit the tab with a house on it. From there, choose the Hire a Service option which will bring up a list. Scroll to see the option to Adopt a Child for §1,000. You will see the options to adopt a dog and a cat as well for a much lesser amount.

When the child comes home, you can change his or her name to any name of your liking. Another cool thing is that your sim will receive parental leave as well so this is the perfect time to bond with this new addition to your family.

So, this is how to adopt in Sims 4 and grow your happy family. Make sure to give this new child a lot of love, support and be the best parent that you can be. Also, ensure that you are financially stable to handle the expenses of one more family member.

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