You will have to choose between Billy-Goat or the other choice in Cyberpunk 2077 for getting a tattoo. Which of these is the right option to pick? Well, that’s exactly what we are here for. In this guide, we will discuss should you choose Billy-Goat or the other choice. We will also provide you with the consequences of both choices, which will help you make a factual decision between the two.

Cyberpunk 2077 – Should You Choose Billy-Goat or the Other Choice?

The best option for the Billy-Goat or the other choice solely depends on your preference. None of the options has any major consequence. Depending on the choice you make, you will get a tattoo on your hand.

If you select the Billy-Goat option, you will get the following tattoo on your hand.

The negative part of this choice is that it will consume one of the hand slots in the cybernetics. This means that you will have one less slot available to equip any hand cyberware. Hence, we would recommend getting rid of this or unequip it from the slot as soon as possible if you choose this option.

On the other hand, if you select the other choice, the following tattoo will appear on your hand.

However, even this choice has the same negative point, meaning that it too will consume one of the hand slots. Hence, no matter what choice you make, it is essential to get rid of the tattoo and empty the slot for another cyberware as quickly as possible.

Once you make this choice between the Billy-Goat or the other choice, there will be another option to pick between left or right. However, even these choices do not have any impact on the gameplay.

That’s everything you need to know about should you choose Billy-Goat or the other choice in Cyberpunk 2077. While this choice does not have any consequence, there are several others that can impact the gameplay in both the short and long-term. Hence, we would recommend reading our Beat on the Brat choices, Denny or Henry Second Conflict choice, and Don’t Lose Your Mind Delamain passcode & choice guides for help.