Sharing large files over the internet has never exactly been easy. There are different ways of sharing files and each one has its fortes and flaws.

One of the most common solutions employed while sharing large files is file hosting websites. These sites let you easily upload and share large files. However they offer undesirable file expiration dates and download speeds. An alternative solution is peer-to-peer file sharing that carries the risk of others viewing your file if not properly protected.

To solve this problem in the simplest and most secure way, “Sendoid” was created.


Sendoid is a free to use web service that lets you share files over the internet. The user-friendly and secure way Sendoid accomplishes this is what makes it unique. Basically Sendoid creates a direct connection between your computer and your friend’s computer. Your large file then travels directly from your computer to your friend’s. The files are not stored on any online servers; moreover hackers cannot get your data as it is encrypted during transfer. This way the site lets you share very large files without worrying about security risks during or after the file has been transferred.

Usage and Features

Once you are on the site’s homepage, locate the big green button that you can see in the image below.

Clicking on this button will pop up an explorer window. Use this window to point Sendoid towards the file on your computer that you want to share. After this step Sendoid will ask you if need to password protect the file download. If you enable this feature and set a password, then your friend will be unable to download the file without the password. You can also specify whether or not the link should be generated link should be valid for multiple downloads.

Next you obtain the download link of the file. Share this link with a friend. When your friend visits this link, a direct connection between your computer and your friend’s computer will be created.

The file will be copied from your computer to your friend’s while being encrypted on the way. All you and your friend have to do is keep your browser tab open for the download to progress.

The browser interface of Sendoid allows sharing files with a maximum size of 1 GB. This limit can easily be removed by downloading Sendoid’s cross-platform desktop application based on Adobe Air and using it to share large files with your friends. This desktop application is free to use, just like the browser interface.

Along with maintain your shared files, the desktop app also lets you limit the sending and receiving file speeds.


Sendoid is providing a much-needed service to internet users. By creating a direct and encrypted connection between our computer and our friends’ computers, the site lets us share large files in an unprecedentedly convenient way. The browser interface does not even require you or your friend to sign up for an account – it does not get any more user-friendly than that. This web service will soon be replacing most computer user’s default method for sharing large file.

Check out Sendoid @

Hammad is a Business student and computer geek who cover latest technology news and reviews at AppsDaily. Apart from that, I like to review web services and softwares which can be helpful for the readers.

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