Sekiro Online: Shadows Die Twice gets an all-new update 1.08 that gets rid of all the bugs and crashes that Sekiro gamers had been facing earlier. In the last update, From Software, the developers to Sekiro added the Co-op and the PvP modes. This update even allowed players to sabotage some other players’ world and fight them to death.

This was indeed wishful thinking and a step in the right direction, but for all these new modes gamers had to pay a heavy toll. Sekiro online was heavily infested with mid-game glitches and bugs. This impaired the smooth functioning of the game, many a time crashing in the middle of a battle. But with the update 1.08, Sekiro online has gotten rid of these bugs for good.

Features of Sekiro Online update V1.08

Note that this version is a purely fan-made unofficial or a non-canon update. Although this update majorly fixes all the bugs, this version of Sekiro online doesn’t have dedicated servers to it. Here is how it fixes the bugs –

  • No more mid-game termination. As soon as you join a game, your player is locked into the system. This eliminates the chances of game crashes.
  • To ensure the smooth functioning of game dynamics, the V1.08 update selectively downscales certain elements from the game.
  • Enemies are downgraded a bit, keeping in mind that it does not hamper your gaming experience. As new enemies constantly show up in the game, this method makes complete sense. This way it does not put an excessive load on the game servers to load each and every enemy to their optimum visuals.
  • You can now have 6 players in a single match – 5 phantoms and 1 host.
  • The Matchmaking is now simplified to ensure fair-gameplay on both ends.

Bugs in Sekiro Online (previous versions)

Here are the few main bugs of Sekiro online which led to the development of the V1.08 update –

  • Unable to Mekiri Counter enemies.
  • Unstable gameplay
  • Game crashes.
  • You get frozen after performing a death-blow on enemies.
  • Crashes, and unstable sessions
  • The firing tracker does not function properly.
  • Game events are infested with random pop-ups.
  • Certain lethal attacks like Whirlwind-slash has no effect on the enemy.

This is how Sekiro Online gamers had been suffering from major bugs previously. But with the V1.08 unofficial update, Sekiro Online loses its bugs and game crashes.