Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with family and friends and to find out what’s popular and what’s not in an instant. Twitter is also an excellent way to express yourself and keep in touch with those you care about, despite the character restrictions.

You obviously know that these social networks include a timeline where it shows the stuff your friends shared. A characteristic that has been changing with time to include all types of content and that has gone through transformations to show the user content the social network thinks will interest them the most.

Facebook was the first to modify its algorithm and base everything on the likes and behaviour of each user. Facebook started showing the user what it thought they would like instead of showing everything in chronological order like it did in the beginning. The problem with this is that most of the time Facebook wasn’t even close to showing us what we wanted to see, and that is why this feature became irritating.

Twitter also followed in Facebook’s footsteps and changed its criteria when showing the order of its publications, also not making its users very happy.

In this article, we will show you how to deactivate the algorithms that are currently being used and see the publications like you used to before these changes were introduced.


To modify the algorithm, you need to open your Facebook profile in a computer’s browser. In the column on the left side, click on the upside down triangle and select “Most Recent.” You will stop seeing the publication the way Facebook wants you to see them and see them the way you want to. One thing to keep in mind is that this is not a permanent fix and whenever you want to see the content in chronological order, you will need to repeat this.

If you click on the Settings wheel and on “Edit Preferences” right beside the upside down triangle, you can also change the preferences and define which posts from what people or pages you never want to miss.


If you want to go back to seeing the tweets in chronological order, you need to open Twitter and go to “Profile and Settings.”

Scroll down until you see the content section  and unselect the Timeline option. That’s the option that shows you tweets Twitter thinks you’ll be happy with, so if Twitter is not even close to showing you want you like, now you know how to deactivate this option.

If you are doing this from an Android device, access your profile. Go to Settings in the menu button, followed by Timeline. From there, deactivate “Show Me the Best Tweets First.” Don’t forget to click on Save Settings. If you don’t, you’ll have to start over.

If you are on iOS, go to “Settings -> Account name -> Timeline -> Timeline Personalization” and turn off “Show me the best Tweets first.”


Social networks don’t always know what we are going to like and what we won’t, but it’s good to see that they are trying. Do you like that Twitter and Facebook try yo show you what they think you are going to like? Let us know in the comments.

Judy Sanhz is a tech addict that always needs to have a device in her hands. She loves reading about Android, Softwares, Web Apps and anything tech related.She hopes to take over the world one day by simply using her Android smartphone!

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