Samsung recently announced the low-to-mid ranger successors of its previous hit budget phones. It has released new upgraded versions of Galaxy Ace, Core, Young and Star series, among which only the Ace is the fourth successor, while rest all are the second. They all are coming in the market this July, targeted seriously on the budget users. All of them have the Android KitKat 4.4.2 version, and run on different CPU and have variant RAM. Let’s take a glimpse on the specs of all the four budget phones lately released by Samsung:
Taking a look at the specs of all the phones, we can say that the Galaxy Ace IV is the most powerful (though it has a dual core CPU and the Core II has a quad core, it has larger RAM, which is 1 GB than that of Core II). The Star II is the lowest ranging phone, and will be obviously be priced the lowest too. Though the specs of these phones are not that appealing, lets hope that Samsung will keep the price according to the affordability of the customers which will make them experience the KitKat even in a low price segment smartphone. We’ll update you further with the more details available.
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