It seems that to counter the terrible moment that we are all going through, this summer does not cease to reserve surprises for video game enthusiasts. There is much news that every day made many people breathe a sigh of relief, taking away some great satisfaction. And among this news, there is one that concerns a game loved by the public: Rocket League.

It could be an important turning point in the life of this video game, which has already faced changes. Only last year this title landed on the Epic Games Store, an important milestone for both of these realities.

Entering such a prestigious marketplace certainly offers new horizons absolutely not to be underestimated. At the moment, however, no more precise information has been released regarding the exact date of the update. Something more is expected in the coming weeks.

However, there are some factors that have made many new gamers to experience the game in question. The scenario is not as promising as one might expect, judging by some reactions that have arisen. The Rocket League team has in fact decided to remove the video game from Steam, another great protagonist in the life of gamers.

Its exit from the scene is taking place progressively, causing some small dissatisfaction. Those who had already purchased it will not have any particular problems, while the new ones will be forced to turn to Epic Games. A negligible novelty?

At the moment the attention is turned to its new free-to-play version, which is warming the atmosphere. Apparently the desire to fly and score goals from the community is always higher.