For those of you who work on a computer for a living, efficiency is always in the back of your mind. While many applications are out there to help, many of them require you to change your habits.
Quick Cliq makes a minor adjustment to something you already do hundreds of times a day. By using a slight variation of how you currently use the right-click menu, you can save a lot of time and clicks.
How-to use Quick Cliq
There are a couple ways you can activate Quick Cliq. The first is by holding the right-click button and dragging up, down, left or right about an inch. This will open one of several windows. The most used is probably the main menu which is dragging down.
The other way you can activate the different features in Quick Cliq is by using keyboard hotkeys. If you primarily use a notebook, you are likely using a lot of shortcuts already. You can create personalized hotkey combinations or use the defaults. Windows key + Z opens the main menu.
What can you add to your right click menu?
You can easily add any file, folder or system applications to your menus. I use the calculator and my Dropbox folder all the time, so I added both of those right away. If you want to organize the menu, you can add separators and sub-folders. By taking a little time to organize, you can really customize the contextual menu to your needs.
Setting up your shortcuts
The setup is really easy. Once you have the options menu open, you can add things to your personalized menu by dragging the file or folder into the main window.
Alternatively, you can add an application, files or folders by using the buttons and drop downs. This way takes a bit longer, but is also the easiest way I saw to add an application like the Windows Control Panel.
On the right side of the window, you can click on Item, Menu or Separ in the create box.
Near the bottom right, you will see a target bar and a drop down with Choose type next to it. In the drop down you can choose what you want to add.
You will see a pop-up with the files or folders or whatever you chose. Pick the item you want to open or start from your personalized right-click menu.
If you would like to create a hotkey combo, you can do so on the left of the window.
Press OK and you are all set.
Examples of how to use Quick Cliq
As I mentioned, I use my Dropbox folder a lot. Usually I am working on a specific project. Because of this, I am loading and accessing files in a specific folder a lot. I can quickly add a shortcut to my clients folder or even the specific project I am working on for that client.
If you use a desktop email application like Thunderbird or Outlook, you can create an email template and invoke it from your new right-click menu. This is ideal if you need to reply to emails repetitively asking the same questions or giving the same answers.
By setting up a few URLs in your Quick Cliq menu, you can quickly open up your default browser and jump right to the site with less clicks and typing.
Being able to jump right to the depths of the labyrinth of folders you use to organize things will greatly save you time. I like to have shortcuts to specific folders I am using at that time.
If you want to, you can add separators and sub folders to help you keep things grouped in a way you will use. To use the sub-folders, you need to start a new Menu item in the main window.
Applications can also be started from your new right-click menu. System apps like calculator or control panel are 2 things I access regularly. There is a pretty long list of applications that you can choose from.
Even something like an easy access utilities menu consisting of Control Panel, Disk Cleanup Utility, Task Manager and a few others would be handy at times.
In the short time I have been using Quick Cliq, I have been a lot less irritated while using my Windows-based netbook. I haven’t dug deep into the memo or utilized the recent clip option either. Try them and let me know what you think.
What are your tips for better efficiency?
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Trevor is a freelance writer covering topics ranging from the Android OS to free web and desktop applications. When he is not writing about mobile productivity, He is coaching and playing the world’s greatest game… Soccer.
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