It is crucial to know every action you can do in this game because it is unforgiving and unrelenting. While you are in the initial part of the game, though, you may wonder if you can do melee attacks in Returnal. You might press the associated button but nothing really happens, why is that? Is there a close range weapon or sword you can unlock? Here’s what you need to know about how to melee in Returnal and the special Atropian Blade.

How to Unlock Melee Weapon in Returnal?

Yes, there is a melee attack option in the game but it’s not available at the start. In the beginning, you have to rely on your long ranged attacks via your gun. But to perform close-ranged melee attacks, you have to unlock a melee weapon. And for this permanent upgrade, you have to progress in the first biome ‘Overgrown Ruins’ (simply follow the objectives) and you will come across the Atropian Blade. When you are told to destruct a Xeno-Tech Barrier, you should know that you are close to unlocking it. This is the sword weapon you need to melee in Returnal and you can do it by pressing the Square button.

When Selene presses the melee button, she will barge into enemies that try to get too close and deal great damage. This can be used against those enemies that have red shielding. So, unlocking this melee weapon in Returnal is very important because you can get a lot done in less effort. It will be super useful to break through any shields and you can boost its damage with the help of Artefacts and Parasites as well.

That’s all you need to know about how to melee in Returnal by unlocking the powerful Melee sword weapon, the Atropian Blade. If you need some more tips and tricks to do well in this engaging but challenging game, check out our Returnal guides. Here’s our Survival guide as well as how to heal, how to farm Ether and more.