The expectation for new games coming to PlayStation 5 is very high. However, until now only very few games are known to be confirmed for the new console. More information about the available titles will be released very soon and will serve to confirm or deny rumors, which often end up being real.

Well, today we get information on another new game that involves a studio that accompanied the launch of PlayStation 4, and it seems that this generation will repeat, as sources assure that their new and ambitious project will debut on PlayStation 5.

We’re talking about Housemarque, the Finnish studio you may know best from games like Matterfall or Resogun, which was part of the PlayStation 4 launch lineup almost 7 years ago. Well, according to information from Gamereactor, the unofficial information it has obtained is the new project of Housemarque.

It is worth mentioning that the project would be launched with the help of Sony, with plans to debut as the PlayStation 5 launch title. Until now, it is known that the studio is working on the most ambitious project in its 25-year history.

Neither the developer nor Sony has revealed this project and there are no clues about it, beyond that it is very ambitious and will not be an arcade type, like Resogun. Even the studio’s CEO and co-founder, Ilari Kuittinen, referred to it as the one that will define Housemarque’s next evolution.

In addition, the studio commented that the project would have an important publishing partner, but no further information was given in this regard. Needless to say, that profile can be covered by Sony Interactive Entertainment. Also, the Finnish studio mentioned that we would know about it very soon, so one of the PlayStation 5 broadcasts could be the opportunity to present it.