RE Village likes a little tease every now ad then. The players are taunted to complete tasks that seem near impossible in exchange for something precious or to simply test their abilities. The hide and seek master challenge will ask the players to defeat Angie, Donna Beneviento’s puppet in under 1 minute and 40 seconds. That sounds like no time at all for a hide-and-seek game with a deadly puppet that you have to defeat too. But if you follow the steps in this guide to win the Hide And Seek Master challenge in Resident Evil Village by finding Angie locations within the time limit, you will be able to complete the challenge quite easily and quickly.

How to complete the Hide And Seek Master challenge in Resident Evil Village Fast?

The timer will start as soon as the cut scene is over. If you hit skip before that then as soon as you hit skip, the timer will go off.

Location 1 Where you can find Angie

A soon as the timer goes off, from the start point, go to your left end where there is a door to exit the room.

As soon as you are out of that room, you will be met with another room that had a staircase on the left-hand side, climb those stairs and go on the upper floor.

Once up the stairs, follow the railing on your left. Go straight then turn right. At the end of the passage corner, there will be a door to your right. Enter that door and on the far end to your left will be the first doll.

Location 2 of the Hide And Seek Master

Get out of that room in location 1 and go down the stairs that you just came up from. As soon as you ascend from the stairs, on your right end of the room is an entrance to another room, go there. Just as you enter the room, on your left-right by the entrance you should see her.

Location 3 Where Angie can Spawn for Hide-and-Seek Master

If you do not catch her at the second location, come out of that room back to the room with the staircase, and to your left wall, you should see a cupboard. Behind that cupboard and below that window, she should be waiting for you.

Location 4 to Find the Puppet For the RE8 Challenge

Right from location 3, turn around so that you are facing the dining table and the staircase is on your left. From there on the right end of the room is a door to exit. Go through that door and you will enter a room where you will see a window right in front of you. Go straight there and on your left, you should see her sitting in the middle of the passage.

If by location 3 you do not get her spawns, we suggest that you reset the Hide And Seek Master challenge as there will not be enough time to search the other locations. A trick we can give you is to keep resetting the game until you get the location 1, 2, or 3 spawns. This is because after you stab her, you will have to see a shortcut scene that will play for 5 to 6 seconds when the timer will not stop. So you will have to time manage accordingly.

Completing this challenge in the assigned time will give you a whopping 10000 CP. So that is all for our guide on how to win Hide And Seek Master challenge in Resident Evil Village quickly and easily. If you would like to know more about the game, we have a RE Village Wiki page that you might want to check out.