Resident Evil Village or Resident Evil 8 is a continued story after what happened in Resident Evil 7 Biohazard. If you remember in RE Biohazard, Ethan gets a distress call from Mia. She called from Dulvey, Louisiana. Ethan thought was Mia was dead since 2014 but later he found she is alive. This is where everything starts, and I am going to share a lot of details on how both stories are connected? How this leads to a village of Lycans and vampires. And are there are any hidden hints about Resident Evil 9 in the ending of RE Village?

Resident Evil 8 Ending Explained

I will start with the beginning plot and slowly will take you to RE 8 Ending. Once again “SPOILER ALERT”, do not curse me later on.

Biohazard – The Begining of Mold

In Resident Evil Biohazard, Ethan visits a weird place in Louisiana where he found Mia was imprisoned by a family of four.

  • Jack Baker (Father)
  • Marguerite Baker (Mother)
  • Lucas Baker (Son)
  • Zeo Baker (Daughter)

Ethan was attacked by Mia who later killed her in self-defense. Things turned worse when the entire family except Zoe was chasing out Ethan. Zoe shared info on a special serum that can cure everyone. Ethan retrieves the Serum and found about Eveline. Mia arrives with a young girl Eveline who is a bioweapon. Codenamed-001, Mia was working for a corporation in developing this bioweapon. Mia and Agent Alan who worked for the same corp were assigned to transfer Aveline. She escaped and sank the ship, flushing Mia’s memory and forcing herself to be her mother.

Eveline’s Power?

Eveline is a bioweapon that can use a psychotropic mold to control the mind. She can force her will on other people by infecting them. When Mia brought Eveline into Jack’s house she infects everyone. Forced them to be her only family and drive each member insane. This also includes Ethan when he was killed by Jack at the farmhouse. It was Eveline’s mold who brought Ethan back to life, however, he was able to resist her hallucinations.

This is why Mia in the climax of Resident Evil Village called Ethan special. Why was Ethan managed to survive after many attacks, because he himself is a Mold?


Ethan injects a toxin in Eveline made from her genetic material. Eveline transforms into a huge monster and was killed by Ethan. Chris Redfield extracts Ethan and Mia from the scene after Eveline is killed. He comes in a helicopter of Umbrella Corporation. This where Resident Evil Biohazard ends.

RE Village – Rise of Mother Miranda

Ethan was living a happy life with his wife Mia and Daughter Rose. Mia looks a little off in the cutscene, that is she is not the original Mia. She is Mother Miranda disguised as Mia. Chris knows this secret and he tried killing Mia. His team tries to abduct Ethan and Rose to a secret location, but after an attack Rose disappeared. To find her Ethan will have to walk through a haunted village of vampires and Lycans.

Mother Miranda or mutated Mia believes she created a perfect bio-weapon Rose who can control the Mold. The place where Mother Miranda is going to conduct a final ceremony is a village. This region is controlled by four lords.

  • Alcina Dimitrescu
  • Donna Beneviento
  • Salvatore Moreau
  • Karl Heisenberg

Ethan finds that his daughter Rosemary is divided into four flasks and is with each lord. Lady Dimitrescu has the head, and other parts are hidden in different places. He learns from Duke that it is possible to revive Rose, and this where the real story of RE Village begins.

Mother Miranda Kills Ethan

After defeating Heisenberg, Mother Miranda rips Ethan’s heart out of his body. This shows that for sure Ethan is dead. You then switch to Chris as the player and can use advanced weapons to shoot down the mutants. Chris also finds the Megamycete, the source of the mold in the village. He plants a bomb in it and before detonating he aims to face Miranda. But there is a twist coming up, while on this way to fight Miranda, Chris finds Mia alive in her lab.

Chris founds Miranda is experimenting with the Mold for more than a century. She was able to gain immortality. Miranda’s daughter lost her life in Spanish Flu, and she wants to revive her. That is why she is looking for a perfect host in the Village. The failed experiments caused the formation of monsters in the village and four lords. Chris also learned that Miranda has helped Oswell, the founder of Umbrella Corporation in the development of T-Virus. In short, the mold is the source of everything and Miranda is the true mother of all.

Why Rose is Special?

Rosemary or Rose, the daughter of Mia and Ethan has some special abilities. She inherits this from Mia and Ethan which makes her a perfect host for Miranda’s daughter. This leads to Miranda’s obsessions with Rose. She lived with Ethan as Mia and tried to nourish her own daughter. In a turn of events, Chris found the reality and attacks Mia. But she faked her death and attacks the transport. She then abducts Rose and takes her to the Village where she was well guarded by the four lords. Chris was in the village who is also on the same mission of finding Rose.

Did Ethan really die?

When Miranda ripped off Ethan’s heart it was convincing enough to believe he died. However the Molds regenerative power brought him to life. He then aims to kill Miranda and get his daughter back. Finally, after finding Miranda there is a final boss fight. Ethan was finally able to kill Mother Miranda and saves his daughter. But you miss an important thing here.

Mother Miranda is the source of Mold’s power, if she dies everyone who is infected with it will also die. This happened to Ethan, who loses his power and starts to degenerate. He took the detonator from Chris to destroy the Megamycete. Ethan did really sacrificed himself for his family.

The Ending

Chris took Mia and Rose away from the village. He also learned BSAA soldiers are organic bioweapons, so his next mission is in Europe. The post Credit scene reveals teenage Rose. She visits her father’s grave and then she was called for a mission. This hints at Resident Evil 9, where Mia will the original face of the Resident Evil franchise.

The game challenging and interesting. Filled with horror and puzzle it proved to the best game to play this year. Hope my above data is enough to give you enough explanation on Resident Evil Village Ending. Till then do not forget to have a look at the RE Village Wiki guide for more such articles.