According to the latest sales report from Kantar Worldpanel ComTech, Android’s share in major European markets have now grown to 70.4% from 61.3% last year. Meanwhile iOS and Windows phone have a meager share of 17.8% and 6.8% respectively. Also, the three months sales data up to May show that half of the smartphones sold were Samsungs. Android is also dominant in the US with a share of 50% and iOS comes close with 41.9%. However, the rate of growth in US of iOS is over 3% compared to only 0.1% for android compared to last year.
Another important piece of info is that Xperia Z is now the fourth largest smarphone in Great Britain. The report states that many users there are switching from Samsung phones to Sony. Samsung though has strong sales, it must focus on improving customer loyalty so that it can retain its existing customers. Currently Apple has the highest loyalty ratings in Britain with 79% loyal customers while Samsung is second with 59%.
In the developing market, windows feature phones are selling well. Like in Mexico Nokia’s entry level smartphones are the fifth highest selling phones.
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