When is Read Dead Redemption 3 releasing and is there an official RDR3 release date? More importantly, is there going to be an RDR 3 and are there any leaks or rumors like GTA 6? These are a few of the questions on the minds of the fans of the franchise and Rockstar Games in general. This article has everything you need to know about the updates and the game’s potential release date speculation.

RDR3 Release Date – Rumors, Leaks & Speculation as of 2023

As of January 2023, there is no official release date for Red Dead Redemption 3 and there have been no leaks, but there are rumors. GTA 5 was released in 2013 and GTA 6 has the potential release date of late 2024 or early 2025. This means there will be a gap of 11 to 12 years between the two games. If we calculate a similar gap between RDR 2 and RDR 3, then RDR 3 is predicted to release in 2029 or 2030. If Rockstar has allotted a very small team to this project, then it will get pushed even further.

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As per Statista, RDR 2 has sold 46 million units worldwide which is a whopping feat on its own, but it seems that the next title in the franchise will be pushed back due to the priority release of GTA 6. As announced on July 7, 2022, Rockstar is aware that they need to exceed players’ expectations of GTA VI which is why they are “steadily moving more development resources towards the next entry in the series” and this is why RDR 3 plans are delayed.

Which Platforms will Read Dead 3 Release On?

There’s no clear answer for this, but PC is bound to be one of the platforms on which RDR 3 will release. Apart from that, the PS6 is speculated to release around 2027 so there’s a chance that the game will release on the next-gen consoles with backward compatibility for current-gen ones.

What’s the Reason behind Long Wait Times for Rockstar Games?

GTA 6 and RDR 3 (both flagship titles) will have the pressure to perform well in the games industry which means they should release only when they are ready. Too many titles these days are clearly rushed releases, packed with bugs leading to widespread negative reviews.

Plus, the dev teams end up being under great pressure during “crunch time” which can hamper the health of the employees as well as affect the end product. In Rockstar, though, it seems that positive changes have been made in the form of leadership training, surveys for feedback, better communication, and cutting back on crunch.

The early build of GTA VI was leaked and led to some criticism from gamers which confirms the fact that expectations are sky-high. It was surely a setback for Rockstar who didn’t want players to see the rough footage so soon. Similarly, RDR 3 should only hit the market when the title is ready for the ideal experience by fans of the series and the company.

Why is there No Next Gen Update for RDR2 Yet?

RDR 2 was released on October 26, 2018 on PS4 and Xbox One and PC players could play it on November 5, 2019. There has been no Next Gen Red Dead Redemption 2 for Xbox Series XS and PS5 (at the time of writing). Yep, no 60FPS patch for current-gen consoles yet. The game itself is stunning and the graphics can be absolutely beautiful at scenic locations, but if you wished to see an upgraded version, you will be disappointed.

While it’s the community’s wish to have an upgrade for Xbox Series X|S and PS5, it seems unlikely because Rockstar is now completely focused on GTA 6. This is also the reason why Red Dead Online gets no more updates and has seen the end of its lifespan already. This means, the next-gen RDR 2 updates are on hold or may (gasp) never happen as well. 

From a company’s perspective (especially one like Rockstar Games which will require huge profits), it’s understandable that they are putting all their eggs in the Grand Theft Auto basket. GTA 5 is the most profitable entertainment product of all time, after all, with approx 170 million unit sales and more than $6 billion in revenue.

That’s everything known about RDR3 release date and the rumors, speculations and leaks for GTA 6 that is affecting it. We’ll keep you updated if there’s any new info regarding this.