You can save your phone conversations and store them for later playback. With call recording tools, people are immortalizing their discussions, even calls to and from PSTN.

Once you record your calls, you can save them to your hard disk or any other data storage media as it ends up in a standard audio format, such as WAV or MP3. You can archive them, share them, podcast them, and so on. Call recording becomes more pertinent in businesses, which bank on saving information for later managerial and other uses.

Why Record Phone Calls?

Individuals have numerous reasons for recording phone calls, some of which are relatively trivial, while others are important. Those for businesses are more important. Let’s see the reasons for recording calls here.

Call-Recording Tools

There are many ways to record phone conversations. The simplest method is to record it naturally by having your voice set to the loudspeaker. However, this method doesn’t offer quality and convenience. You can also buy a gadget that records phone conversations through your phone set or sound card, capturing what you hear and say. Still, these devices are limited.

If you are taking full advantage of VoIP, there are several smart and convenient recording tools available, which can do more than call recording. Some are free, while others are premium.

Requirements for Recording Phone Calls

You don’t need much to record phone calls on VoIP. Here’s a list of what it takes:

  • A VoIP service, be it hardware-based or a softphone.
  • Hearing and speaking devices, like handsets, phones, or headsets.
  • Call-recording tools.
  • Storage media for storing the saved calls, like hard disks or optical disks.

If you need high quality for publishing, you might want to polish the audio quality of the recorded calls. Some recording tools achieve this. Else, you might take any of the audio editing tools available to eliminate noise.

Call-Recording Ethics

Before recording any call, especially those involving PSTN, learn about the laws and restrictions governing call-recording in your location. Some authorities are intolerant of anything they could term as wiretapping.

It is also imperative to have the consent of the person you are calling before recording the conversation. Recording a conversation without your correspondent knowing is unethical and can lead to people being unhappy.

Consent means informing the other party that you are recording the call so they can opt-out of it by ending the call.

This is often the case when you call companies. It is common to hear things like, “Please be advised that, for training purposes, this call is recorded.”

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