On 20th June, Steam finally launched the full version of Raft after initially launching it as early access. It is an open-world survival game where you start on a raft and collect items and resources to improve it. Additionally, you might just be floating around with sharks ready to kill you. So be prepared to survive. While the early access revolved around two characters you could choose from, the final release has added four more. So let’s check out this guide to unlock new characters in Raft.

How to Unlock New Characters in Raft

Table of Contents

As mentioned earlier, the early access of Raft had two playable characters, Maya and Rouhi. The final release added Tala, Johnny, Elaine, and Shogo and players are wondering how to find them. Keep reading below as we have you covered.

How to Unlock Tala in Raft

Tala is one of the first characters that you will unlock. You will have to go to the Radio Tower and climb to the top. In the main control room, you will see a circular yellowish thing. Stand on it and interact and you will be able to unlock Tala.

How to Unlock Johnny

You can find Johnny in the Balboa Island Station. Head to the top of the station and enter the room which is labeled Station n6 on the outside. Stand on the circular thing and interact to unlock Johnny.

How to Unlock Elaine

To find Elaine, you will have to go to the Tangaroa Tower’s Head in the ocean. You need to climb down the stairs from the small window to come across the circular thing. Stand on it and interact with it to unlock Elaine.

How to Unlock Shogo in Raft

You can find Shogo in the Temperance Selene Research Reactor Room. Head down the stairs and take a left, then follow the snow path filled with ice spikes and look for a door. Once you enter the new room, you will be able to see the yellowish circular thing on the left. Stand on it and interact and you will be able to unlock Shogo in Raft.

That’s all you need from this guide on how to unlock new characters in Raft. While you are here, make sure you don’t miss out on our guides, tips, and tricks right here on Gamer Tweak.