Punishing Gray Raven characters are strong, bold and not the ones you mess with. The abilities and skills provided to them will take you by surprise and amplify the game to another level. There is no denying that all the heroes here are handpicked and the best of the best. However, some characters can overthrow others and you would want the best of the best. So in this guide here, we give you a PGR tier list of all the characters in Punishing Gray Raven ranked from best to worst to help you choose the best character in the game.
Punishing Gray Raven Character Tier List (January 2023)
- S Tier – S tier characters are the ones that will give you guaranteed wins over others. With little to no effort from your end, the characters will do all the work for you and just glide you through the game with ease.
- A Tier – A tier characters are for those players who want an average stat spread throughout instead of one strong stat. If you do not want to have a single type of gameplay all along with the game, choose one of these characters to give you a little bit of everything.
- B Tier – B tier characters may require you to invest some time and energy on them, but if trained and used properly, they can be the game changers and get you some sleek wins in Punishing: Gray Raven.
- C Tier – Though the last ones on the list, these characters are not completely useless. They can be a good addition and will get you wins every now and then, but with less frequency than other characters.
PGR Tier List
Below is a tier list of all the characters in Punishing Gray Raven ranked from best to worst to help you choose the best character in the game:
So that is all for our guide on the Punishing Gray Raven tier list. If you would like to know some more tier lists, we have covered some amazing games that you might want to check out.