The Battle Royale genre took off mainly due to PUBG and now, PUBG Mobile is banned in India. Being one of the most popular games with millions of downloads, this news is definitely a blow to hardcore fans. Before the actual PUBG ban, there were rumors swirling around about it but players didn’t really think the ban would become a reality. Now that it has, why should you stop playing the Battle Royale genre that you’ve grown to love over the past few years? That’s why we have created a list of the Best PUBG Mobile alternatives that will fill the void of the loss of PUBG.

List of Top 5 Battle Royale Games Like PUBG Mobile

These are some great PUBG alternative games that you can try out and enjoy even after the PUBG ban. All of these boasts of millions of downloads, so let’s see which games made the list!

Garena Free Fire

If you want to battle it out with up to 50 players and emerge victorious, Free Fire is worth a try. You will fall from a parachute on an island where you need to look for weapons to kill your opponents. Jump wherever you want and use similar tactics and strategies that you used in PUBG Mobile. You will find a lot of equipment all over the island that will help you in your quest of becoming the last player standing. This game is free to play on iOS and Android.

Call of Duty: Mobile

Call of Duty is a classic name in the world of gaming and most will be already familiar with it. In case you haven’t played the mobile version (COD Mobile), you should surely explore it and find out why it is so popular. It’s fairly new (released in October 2019 on Android and iOS) but it has become hugely popular in a short period of time. The best thing is that up to 100 players will try to eliminate each other which is very much like PUBG. You can choose to play solo, with a friend or with a four member team. This is one of our favorite PUBG Mobile alternatives. Highly recommended!


Fortnite has a huge following with about 250 million players in March 2019. The number has increased multifold now and rightly so. Fortnite has a much more light-hearted take on the Battle Royale genre with wacky emotes, skins and more. Although it was taken off Apple and Android, you can still download the game from the official website for Android. If you have a mid to high range mobile phone and 8 GB storage space, Fortnite will work well on it. In this game, there are up to 100 players where everyone drops from a Battle Bus. You must hunt for weapons and other resources to kill any opponents and protect yourself. Plus, there are many interesting weekly challenges too.

Battlelands Royale

Battle Royale mayhem with a twist. If you look at the graphics of the game, you will see that it is much different from the serious tone of PUBG making it one of the freshest PUBG Mobile alternatives. In Battlelands Royale, you can have up to 5 minute battles featuring 32 players. It’s fast paced and ends pretty quickly making it perfect for casual players who want a break from the usual stuff. Things are very simple here too – no need to navigate complex menus, simply pick your landing spot, loot and shoot. Available on iOS and Android.

Bullet League

Bored of the usual 3D battle royale games? Then may I suggest a 2D Battle Royale game which is a platformer! With a quirky art style and quick battles, you can enjoy this genre like no other game. Everything is fast in this one – the matchmaking time, the battles and the wins! In case you want quick matches without draining your phone batteries, this can be your best pick.

Special Mention: Fall Guys

Although this is not a Mobile game (yet), Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout deserves a special shoutout for being absolutely fun. If you have a PC or PS4, you need to try this game because it is super hilarious. You play as a ‘Fall Guy’ with a total of 60 players. You will walk, jump, stumble and fall as you participate in a few rounds of utter chaos. There will be obstacle courses, team based games and survival games in your journey towards the hard-earned crown.

For all of these PUBG Mobile alternatives, you can check out their store pages for in-depth information and if you like what you see, download the game! Don’t let the PUBG ban put a damper on your gaming time and start playing right away.