The developers behind PUBG are working on a brand new game, PUBG has been one of the most popular game in recent years with many people crediting it for bringing the battle royale mode to the mainstream attention.

Glen Schofield has been roped in as the CEO of a new studio called Striking Distance which is going to be developing this brand new game, in the past Schofield has developed a massive game such as Call of Duty and Dead Space.

The new game is still in its beginning phase and hence not a lot has been revealed about it yet, except for the fact that it will not be a sequel to PUBG as confirmed by Striking Distance CEO Glen Schofield in this tweet.

The only thing I can say now is that I’m not working on a sequel to PUBG, but an original narrative in the PUBG universe.

— Glen A. Schofield (@GlenSchofield) June 26, 2019

The developers are looking for an “original narrative experience” which strongly points towards a story-based shooter game.

Speaking about this new game Glen Schofield said, “As a creative, the freedom to explore the PUBG universe has me excited about the possibilities, which I view as beyond the battle royale genre.”

PUBG started off as an Arma mod before it got turned into what you see it in the present day. PUBG Mobile has also been a hit with millions of active users a month, the game does not seem likely to be slowing down.

This might be the perfect opportunity for Schofield to showcase his talents and brings titles of similar quality such as Call of Duty and Dead Space.

It is not known when or on what platform, this new game will be available on but we will keep updating as and when we have more information on this.