PUBG reshaped Battle Royale Genre forever in the history of gaming and it’s now able to top Valve’s 2018 Steam Awards as best games for the year. Started with Steam’s12 Annual Winter Sales in the month of December the Award rituals allows players to pick their favorite games across eight categories. Players can vote for best game of the year, best developer and better with friends category, in return they earn Digital Trading Cards as an appreciates for their voting’s.

Valve shared the Best Developer category is highly-contested and they have chosen to remove themselves from the category. The Award ceremony was broadcasted live through Steam and Valve after getting all the votes from the users confirmed the winners.

PUBG earn the Game of the year awards, Monster Hunter World, Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Hitman 2 and Assassins Creed: Odyssey felled in the runners up list. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim earned VR Game of the year, and GTA 5 was in the top of Labo(u)r of Love Category.

CD Projekt Red was voted as the best developer while Witcher 3: While Hunt awarded as the game with the best environment. Better With Friends category was ruled by Rainbow Six Siege and Assassins Creed Odyssey proudly topped Best Alternate History award.

The last but not the least Rocket League was on the top of Most Fun with Machine category. You can view the full broadcast in below YouTube video.