Even at the launch of the PlayStation 5, not everything was obviously going well. Among other things, users are reporting database corruption errors with the new console of Sony, the PS5.

On Thursday, 12th November 2020, the PlayStation 5 was released in Japan and North America, among others. As affected users report, not everything went smoothly when the PlayStation 5 was launched.

Among other things, there is talk of the fact that the wrong console was apparently sent. A few users report that they ordered the digital edition but found the standard PlayStation 5 model in their box. An oversight that those affected can certainly live with.

In complete contrast to the database or storage problems that affected users complain about. The corresponding error message says: “The database is corrupted, it will now rebuild.” It is currently still unclear how widespread the database corruption errors are in the end on PS5. However, it is currently becoming apparent that the said error could be traced back to a bug in Spider-Man Remastered.

Accordingly, the error occurs uncontrollably if the PlayStation 5 console is switched to sleep mode while playing Spider-Man Remastered. In addition, the saved game transfer of the new edition can cause a database error.

The mistake was confirmed by gaming journalist Jeff Gerstmann, among others, who said: “Seems like putting a PS5 into rest mode while Spider-Man Remastered is running crashes the whole system, forcing that “repair your external drive” process when you start back up. At least that’s how it’s been for me the few times I’ve done that today.”

Also every time I’ve had the PS5 go through that external drive repair sequence, it ends up on a black screen. I have to hit the power button on the console itself to force it into rest mode, then it comes back up and asks me to file an error report, then boots normally.

— Jeff Gerstmann (@jeffgerstmann) November 11, 2020

The developers at Insomniac Games were already available for comment and indicated that the issue is being investigated internally. Until a solution is found, the players are called by those affected to ignore the sleep mode when playing Spider-Man Remastered.

In Europe and the rest of the world, the PS5 will release on November 19, 2020.