The long-awaited Sands of Time trilogy from Prince of Persia remake returns to be talked about, after appearing in the list of an online store.

Over the last few months, there have been many rumors for a possible return of Prince of Persia Remake or Remaster, and even if Ubisoft has not yet officially announced its arrival, the title has returned to be talked about in the last few hours.

Starting from the first months of this year, after years of waiting, some indiscretions released by numerous insiders had foreseen the arrival of a hypothetical remake of the trilogy of The Sands of Time, composed of the homonymous title, from Warrior Within and from The Two Thrones, whose launch seemed to be expected by the end of 2020.

Since then, there have been many announcements and statements that have raised hope among the numerous fans waiting, such as the renewal of the domains of the and websites, whose original registration dates back to 2002-2003.

Months later, the title seems to have returned to the center of attention thanks to a new indiscretion, coming from the MAX online store, which has added an alleged Prince of Persia Remake to its list, arriving for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch in the month of November.

The site, however, removed the title from its online catalog after a few minutes. The tweet was again picked up by the video game reporter Jason Schreier, who retweeted the news by writing: “Video game retailers sure love leaking Ubisoft’s surprise announcements.” Furthermore, in response to a user who wrote that he did not believe the arrival of an alleged remake, Schreier replied: “This tweet won’t age well lol.”

At the moment there is no other information on the alleged title of Prince of Persia Remake, even considering that Ubisoft in the course of these months has never officially confirmed or denied its arrival and its actual development. Also, for this reason, we just have to wait for further information, which could arrive in the coming months.