One of the many Facebook features that users are annoyed with is the message read notification. When you read a private message your friend(s) are able to see that you’ve viewed the message, and it even shows the time that you viewed it. Many have been looking for a away to turn this off, but unfortunately Facebook doesn’t give you the option to do so.

Facebook Chat Pro is a Chrome extension that lets you receive desktop notifications from Facebook chat that are “minimalist and rich in detail.” Clicking on a notification will open up the conversation instantly. A great feature that this extension includes is the ability to prevent friends from seeing when you view a message. Additionally, you can prevent friends from seeing when you are typing a message.

Once the extension is installed, click on the browser icon and then click on “Settings.” This is where you can enable the two above-mentioned privacy features. You can disable the extension whenever you’d like, making it easy to enable/disable message privacy for the friends that you choose.

Facebook Chat Pro

Charnita has been a Freelance Writer & Professional Blogger since 2008. As an early adopter she loves trying out new apps and services. As a Windows, Mac, Linux and iOS user, she has a great love for bleeding edge technology. You can connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn.

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