Have you ever wondered what happens when a Powerpoint presentation gets clubbed together with a video that narrates the facts in the presentation? Present.me does just that. It offers you with a nice medium for communicating and sharing information at the same time.
Richard Garnett, co-founder of Present.me has a beautiful way of describing the service. If you were to explain facts included in a presentation how would you do that? This is the core concept behind Present.me. Consider a real life situation where you have to present a sales report for the last quarter in the sales meeting. You’ll use a presentation to show facts and narrate it to make them meaningful. Is it possible online with Slideshare (which is just facts) or Youtube (which is just narration)? True virtual environments can be created with other apps to provide a similar experience but that will need two persons (one who the data presents the data and to whom the data is presented to) to be there at the same time. Present.me can meet all the demands, presenting data, explaining them and without needing the two persons to be there simultaneously.
How To Use Present.me
Create a free account (you can use Facebook or Google to sign up). Once you are in, you can upload the content by going to the Create menu (at top).
Choose from the types of content you wish to upload and proceed to the next step.
You can choose files from your Google Drive (Docs) or upload presentation, PDF etc. I uploaded a PDF document.
Once the document is uploaded, you will get a choice to record a video by letting the service access to your computer’s camera. You can also upload a recorded video, but that will require you to upgrade to a paid account.
Now you can record the video and use the slides from the presentation the same way you would present it to someone in front of you. Once finished, publish the new presentation for the viewers to enjoy. The new kind of presentation can also be embedded into a webpage.
The service has a free account that allows you to upload 3 presentations (each not exceeding 15 mins) per month. The paid plans offer you more choices and an ad-free interface. The free plan is worth a try considering the usability and engagement it offers to any presenter.
After you get all the facts right, curate it in a way that’s consumable, what, according to you, is the best way(s) to present the information? So far you used to have three choices. You can create a presentation, a Youtube video or an infographic. Each one has a specific purpose. An infographic is best for representing a survey or study over a large margin in concise form. Whereas a video or presentation is good for demonstrating and present a report. Now that you have a richer medium to present data or explain something, do you think it will be a better choice for you? We are eager to hear your opinion.
Soumen is the founder/author for Ampercent, a tech blog that writes on computer tricks, free online tools & software guides.
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