Pokemon GO players might finally see two of the most popular antagonists of the Pokemon anime in the Pokemon Go game. According to the latest leaks Team Rocket is set to be featured in the game.

The leaks point out that Pokemon Go is set to receive a massive update but when it will be launched is still unknown, in this new update we might see the introduction of Team Rocket which is now termed as Team Go Rocket.

Niantic has been teasing Team Rocket in recent weeks, the latest being the Pokemon Go Fest in Germany. There is a chance where attendees could be able to see the iconic hot air balloon which has been familiarized by Team Rocket as their go-to escape vehicle.

The leaks show entries of Team Rocket grunts who have abandoned their Pokemon after losing in a battle which turn into omnious shadow Pokemon which players will have to turn back.

Below you can check out the tweet by @Charles who has leaked this information

new Team Rocket Invasion dialogues pic.twitter.com/ZlUs4dY1Tw

— Chrales (@Chrales) July 8, 2019

The entire process isn’t explained as such but as the update rolls out we might see more information being provided by Niantic or as a form of leaks.

Check out these images and let us know what you think about the latest update and the introduction of Team Rocket.