The Meowth Balloon is finally available in Pokemon Go and like millions of other players, if you too are wondering about how and where to find it, this guide is perfect to help you spot them. Check out how to locate the team rocket’s Meowth balloon and battle them.

How To Find The Meowth Balloon In Pokemon Go

Finally, Team Rocket is here and they bring back their iconic Meowth Balloon along with them, now the biggest hurdle is the fact that their appearance is random so you cannot determine exactly when and where they will pop up.

But according to our testing, we have encountered them while playing Pokemon Go for a stretch at a time, all you have to do is keep checking your map for a Meowth shaped balloon.

The new mechanism allows players to battle team leaders, decoys, or Giovanni himself, but if you are looking forward to going against Jesse and James you will have to find the Meowth balloon and click on it. Clicking on it will get you in a battle with the team immediately and this will certainly bring back tons of memories from the anime show.

The battle against Team Rocket isn’t that difficult and you should expect a difficulty similar to that of grunts that you encounter in Pokemon Go. Sadly, Team Rocket won’t be in the game forever and this is a limited-time event so you best get to searching for them as much as you can.

The battle against Jesse and James takes place back to back and you won’t get time to use potions so make sure to bring a strong pokemon that can withstand two battles. During your encounters with Jesse and James, you can catch some Shadow-Type Pokemon and you will find Pokemon like Ekans, Scyther, and Bagon, while James’ team has Koffing, Sneasel, and Beldum.

This is all there is to know about how to find the Meowth Balloon in Pokemon Go.