AFK Arena’s Poetic Pop Quiz event has returned so that players can engage and earn free rewards. As of now, this limited-time event is available in the month of December 2022. Wherein, players can participate and answer 5 questions to redeem rewards. You will be receiving rewards on daily basis as well as at the end of the event. If you are looking to participate in the event, then this article can prove to be your helping hand. Check out this guide to know the answers to all Poetic Pop Quiz event questions in AFK Arena.

Poetic Pop Quiz Answers in AFK Arena (December 2022)

Table of Contents

Here are all the answers for the Poetic Pop Quiz questions for all the 8 Days in AFK Arena.

12th December – Day 1 of Poetic Pop Quiz Event in AFK Arena

  • After their 9-piece Exclusive Furniture Skill is unlocked, what effect will result from Canisa’s (of Canisa & Ruke) attack?
  • Reduction of the enemy’s energy
  • Which of the following heroes’ weapons is not a sword?
  • Eorin – The Forest Sting
  • In what situation will a Polar Beast receive additional Beast Energy?
  • When an enemy hero is being controlled
  • What color are Audra – The Chaotic Star’s eyes?
  • Blue
  • What is Solise – Water Animator’s hobby as a flower whisperer?
  • Botany

13th December – Day 2

  • Which of the following effects is dealt to surrounding enemies when a Pillar of Sin of Tarnos – The Atoner is shattered?
  • Stun
  • The Winged Lion is a flying beast that looks like what?
  • A kitten
  • At what age did Estrilda – Knight of Valor become a knight?
  • 16
  • Which of the following is a Bounty Hunter?
  • Fawkes – Death’s Defeat
  • When Nevanthi – The Green Lady’s skill “Connecting Branches” reaches Lvl 2, which effect will it impose at the same time on the non-Boss enemy with the highest Defense rating?
  • Defense Reduction

14th December – Day 3

  • How many clones does Wu Kong – The Monkey King summon when using the skill “Cloud Clones”?
  • 3
  • In which city is the capital of Lightbearer Empire located?
  • Ranhorn
  • Which of the following heroes does not belong to “Arcanists Union”
  • Mirael – The Burning Light
  • What can excess Exclusive Furniture be used for?
  • Strengthening Furniture
  • The Spirit Animation effect imposed by Solise – Water Animator will fail when the target is under which of the following effects?
  • Healing restriction

15th December – Day 4

  • What is the relationship between Gorvo – The Indomitable and Serius – Savior of the Sea?
  • Friends
  • What Elemental Guardian is Nevanthi – The Green Lady?
  • Wood Element
  • How many layers of focusing effect can be stacked up to an ally hero when a Blade Ridge uses its skill Raiding Chariot (highest level)?
  • 3
  • Which of the following Rosaline – The Kind NOT use to attack enemies?
  • Cleaning Cloth
  • Which of the following descriptions is false about Bade – The Knight of Blight’s skill mechanics when all of his skills reach max level?
  • Multiple wooden doubles can exist at the same time

16th December – Day 5

  • How much of an ATK attribute bonus is granted for using 4 heroes of the same faction in formation together?
  • 15%
  • Where will Canisa & Ruke – Chimera of Ire leap toward when they actively use their skill “Lightning Lock”?
  • The area most concentrated with enemies
  • What is the color of Theowyn – The Wailing Widow’s eyes?
  • Purple
  • What did Rowan – The Roamer once receive as gift?
  • Aix
  • Which Elemental Emblem gives Solise – Water Animator the power to protect her forest?
  • Water Emblem

17th December – Day 6

  • When Oku – Ironfist uses his skill Beetle Bash, how many beetles are used in the attack?
  • 2
  • What is the name of Desira – The Sinister Siren’s Signature Item?
  • Shell of Treason
  • What type of beast is the Winged Lion?
  • Avian
  • Which of the following items is used to raise Engraving Levels?
  • Elemental Core
  • Which Pillar of Sin Tarnos – The Atoner teleport himself to when the uses his skill Oathbreaker’s Strike?
  • The one farthest from himself

18th December – Day 7

  • Who’s the other hero that forms the union True Adventure with Pippa – The Muddled Magician?
  • Raku – The Rascal
  • How many tails does Solise – The Florar Wonder have?
  • 9
  • After using his Ultimate Skill Soul Feast, while his shield exists, how much damage does Daemon take that is intended for his allies?
  • 35%
  • The statue of which Elemental Guardian is in the City of a Thousand Sails?
  • Respen – The Windchild
  • With which skill Nevanthi – The Green Lady uses the Wood Element to grant a stalk to the ally with the lowest health?
  • Natural Gifts

19th December – Day 8 (Last Day of AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Event)

  • What is the maximum number of fireballs Astar – The Brilliant Flame’s skill Lantern’s Flame can produce?
  • 7
  • Which of the following heroes’ weapon is not a bow?
  • Kaz – Hand of the Wood
  • Which of the following heroes does not wear glasses?
  • Hendrik – The Defender
  • Which entities will lose their health in a lava zone created by a Fire Breather with its lava skill Lava Sprouts (highest level)?
  • All entities
  • What was the relationship between Canisa & Ruke – Chimera of Ire before they became Hypogeans?
  • Enemies

That was the complete list of questions and answers for all 8 days of AFK Arena’s Poetic Pop Quiz Event. While you are here, make sure to check out our other AFK Arena guides on Gamer Tweak.

  • Reduction of the enemy’s energy

  • Eorin – The Forest Sting

  • When an enemy hero is being controlled

  • Blue

  • Botany

  • Stun

  • A kitten

  • 16

  • Fawkes – Death’s Defeat

  • Defense Reduction

  • 3

  • Ranhorn

  • Mirael – The Burning Light

  • Strengthening Furniture

  • Healing restriction

  • Friends

  • Wood Element

  • Cleaning Cloth

  • Multiple wooden doubles can exist at the same time

  • 15%

  • The area most concentrated with enemies

  • Purple

  • Aix

  • Water Emblem

  • 2

  • Shell of Treason

  • Avian

  • Elemental Core

  • The one farthest from himself

  • Raku – The Rascal

  • 9

  • 35%

  • Respen – The Windchild

  • Natural Gifts

  • 7

  • Kaz – Hand of the Wood

  • Hendrik – The Defender

  • All entities

  • Enemies