At the last Ghost of Tsushima gameplay presentation, the developers showed Mongol camp was destroyed in two different ways. In the first one, the main hero was a samurai, and in the second one, he was a ghost. The first provided open fights with enemies, while the second was more about secret killings. However, as it became known, players will be able to combine the styles of the combat system and choose any of the proposed ones. The transformation of the protagonist Jin into a dishonest ghost is more about the plot of the game, which was recently told by developers.

As the portal VG247 reports with reference to the source, the creative director of Ghost of Tsushima Jason Connell said that there are certain moments in the story that more reflect the transformation into a ghost than others. But in fact, even when such moments of narration come, the user can continue to play like a samurai if he wants. The game will not force gamers to adhere to one style. You will gradually become stronger and stronger. If you are a ghost and want to jump from the roof and fight, then you can easily do it. The developers do not impose a style.

The developers at Sucker Punch Productions also mentioned that they did not implement the karma system, as they did in inFamous: Second Son. This happened because they want to tell a human story. It is important for developers to reflect on the Jin transformation process, which was a samurai, but then completely changed his principles.

Ghost of Tsushima will be released on July 17, 2020, exclusively on PS4.