Many people may feel that Facebook Timeline it is not really comfortable to browse, sadly you cannot disable Timeline, but you can make it easier to browse like if it was a Pinterest board.

There is a new Facebook App called PinView and it will allow to explore Timeline, friends, News Feed and other items in tiles like in the

The app was released this week and their slogan is “Browse Facebook like you browse Pinterest”.

Installing PinView Facebook App

  1. The installation is pretty easy, just visit, click the orange P on the top-right.

  2.  Choose who can see posts this app makes for you on your Facebook timeline and then click Go to App.

  3. Set permissions and then click Allow.

  4. Finally, go back to and under APPS, click PinView. Enjoy!

Once you are in PinView, all your News Feed will be displayed in rectangle tiles. From the top-right, you’ll find the navigation buttons to view other Timeline sections such as, videos or images, friend’s profile, etc.

This Facebook App still in the early stages, and the developers are already working on expanding the capabilities of PinView, for example, allowing to save pots, sort by popularity, and more.

Be the first and tell us in the comments, what are your thoughts about this FB app? Will this be an alternative to Facebook Timeline?