Wondering what the Patch Notes are for the Phasmophobia tempest update? This guide is all you need to check out the patches along with what’s new in the game. Phasmophobia is making a unique position for itself in the gaming community and hence the tempest update is worth the wait. There are a few new additions along with the updates and lot of fixes that players can look forward to. So if you are excited about this update, you can read below what the update brings and what you can look forward to in Phasmophobia.

Phasmophobia Patch Notes for Tempest Update

Table of Contents

The Tempest Update starts with the Unique Holiday Trophy. It is part of the new Christmas event that also includes an exclusive Holiday ID card and badge. With the unadjusted reward multiplier for Custom Difficulty, there is an 80 percent deduction in it to adjust it. This is the first part of the Phasmophobia Patch Notes for Tempest Update.

Investigation Bonuses

Since there have been changes in the rewards with Custom Difficulty, new investigation bonuses have been added to the game. You can check them below:

  • Added Payments page to the journal.
  • If you can identify the ghost correctly and escape alive, you will double the money and experience you earn for the primary and secondary objectives you complete during that contract.
  • Along with that, if you collect the bone, and fill your journal with 3-star photos, you will gain an additional sum of money and experience on top of the Investigation bonus.
  • As a result of the Investigation bonus, the rewards for secondary objectives are reduced.

Ghost Buffs and Changes

Ghost Buffs are one of the biggest parts of the Phasmophobia patch notes Tempest Update:

  • All Ghost Changes
  • Hunting ghosts model flickers are now synced across all players.
  • While hunting, ghosts now affect lights at the same range as the equipment, if they are on the same floor.
  • Raiju influences at 15m while all others remain at 10m.
  • Wraith
  • Wraiths will never step in a salt pile and their weakness has been updated in the Journal.
  • Obake
  • While hunting, Obake has a 6.66% chance each time it flickers to shapeshift into a different ghost’s form. At least once a hunt, this is guaranteed to happen.
  • Revenant
  • With the Phasmophobia Tempest Update, Revenant will get back some of its former glory. Revenants will now keep their speed increased till they reach your last known position instead of slowing down instantly after losing line of sight. Instead of instant reduction, their speeds will decrease over 2.7 seconds.
  • Goryo
  • Goryo can no longer change their favorite room or roam long distances.
  • Hantu
  • The Hantu cold breath will now play in any room during hunts if the breaker is off. Additionally, the Hantu cold breath visuals have been improved.
  • Yurei
  • Yurei can no longer use their ability when there is no door in its current room

New Updates

Since we are looking at the Phasmophobia Tempest Update, there are new additions and you can read them below with the patch notes:

  • Hunting ghosts model flickers are now synced across all players.

  • While hunting, ghosts now affect lights at the same range as the equipment, if they are on the same floor.

  • Raiju influences at 15m while all others remain at 10m.

  • Wraiths will never step in a salt pile and their weakness has been updated in the Journal.

  • While hunting, Obake has a 6.66% chance each time it flickers to shapeshift into a different ghost’s form. At least once a hunt, this is guaranteed to happen.

  • With the Phasmophobia Tempest Update, Revenant will get back some of its former glory. Revenants will now keep their speed increased till they reach your last known position instead of slowing down instantly after losing line of sight. Instead of instant reduction, their speeds will decrease over 2.7 seconds.

  • Goryo can no longer change their favorite room or roam long distances.

  • The Hantu cold breath will now play in any room during hunts if the breaker is off. Additionally, the Hantu cold breath visuals have been improved.

  • Yurei can no longer use their ability when there is no door in its current room

  • Fog has returned!

  • Fog will now only be where it makes sense and has received a visual overhaul.

  • Locations will start at the same temperature as Clear weather (8-15°C).

  • Sunrise weather has been added

  • Locations will start with temperatures between 10-18°C.

  • Weather effects have been completely recreated from the ground up.

  • Rain and snow have received large performance increases and improved visuals.

  • New graphics options have been added

  • Sky light – For enabling sun or moonlight in each location

  • Screen Space Ambient Occlusion

  • Fog quality

  • FidelityFX 1.0 – AI upscaling for better performance

  • (Only compatible with AMD RX 400 GPUs and newer / Nvidia GTX 10 series GPUs and newer)

  • Anti-Aliasing options – You can now choose between FXAA, SMAA, and MSAA. VR players can only choose MSAA.

  • You can now place crucifixes

  • When placing the crucifix, you can now see the range of its effect on the environment.

  • All post-processing effects have been adjusted and improved.

  • Added a text option for voice recognition. This will show UI for selecting what question to ask on the Spirit Box and Ouija Board.

  • If you swap to a new PC or reinstall windows your save will now revert to your personal cloud backup.

Other Changes

Here are the other changes included in the patch notes for Phasmophobia Tempest Update:

  • Fog will now only be where it makes sense and has received a visual overhaul.

  • Locations will start at the same temperature as Clear weather (8-15°C).

  • Locations will start with temperatures between 10-18°C.

  • Rain and snow have received large performance increases and improved visuals.

  • Sky light – For enabling sun or moonlight in each location

  • Screen Space Ambient Occlusion

  • Fog quality

  • FidelityFX 1.0 – AI upscaling for better performance

  • (Only compatible with AMD RX 400 GPUs and newer / Nvidia GTX 10 series GPUs and newer)

  • Anti-Aliasing options – You can now choose between FXAA, SMAA, and MSAA. VR players can only choose MSAA.

  • When placing the crucifix, you can now see the range of its effect on the environment.

  • The Smudge Sticks’ burn effect has been improved.

  • The Haunted Mirror’s effects and visibility have been improved.

  • Improved glowstick model and effects.

  • Transparent objects and effects will now receive shadows from lights.

  • Resetting your save file will now wipe your cloud backup.

  • Improved performance on campsite maps.

  • Fingerprints have been moved on Willow doors to be more consistently placed.

  • Radios are now interactable with the breaker off.

  • All players must now be further than 5m from the Ouija board before it breaks, instead of just the person who activated it.

  • The Ouija board will now auto-deactivate when walking outside the map.

  • Sanity pills no longer disappear when using them. Instead, they now drop on the floor and are no longer useable.

  • Improved all candle wax effects when lit.

  • Improved two hiding spots in Sunny Meadows; one by the restricted area door and in the one restricted wing.

  • Small tent cloth is now translucent.

Other Fixes

Additionally, here are the fixes in Phasmophobia Tempest Update that you can check out with the patch notes:

  • The ‘average sanity’ objective will now complete at the same time for all players.
  • The bone will no longer spawn inside other objects.
  • Tripods no longer count as electronic equipment after removing a camcorder.
  • Willow windows are now the correct way round.
  • The weekly challenge timer will now reset at the same time as the challenges themselves.
  • The “Complete daily challenges” weekly challenge will now only trigger when a daily challenge completes, instead of when it progresses.
  • You can no longer scroll to another item while placing something.
  • The ghost’s room will now show on the board in the truck in training.
  • The Deogen spirit box reply will now work if you are not crouched.
  • The morgue door VR grab point is now in the correct position.
  • Hitting the crouch button, then physically crouching in VR no longer pushes you enough into the floor that the ghost cannot kill you.
  • Computer monitors in prison no longer turn on when the power is off.
  • The “ghosts repelled” stat will now count if you are not the host.
  • In Sunny Medows, the female hallway light switch will no longer toggle the utility room’s light.
  • Journal on/off buttons are much clearer to understand.
  • The EULA accept button will no longer be clickable until you scroll to the bottom.
  • The objects moved stat will now correctly count poltergeist throws.
  • Your inventory will no longer break if you grab more than one item before joining a game.
  • Room reflections will now be accurate after turning a light on and off quickly.
  • Russian and Ukrainian fonts will no longer have grey boxes around most characters.
  • VR death room spawn position is now correct.

That’s all there is on Phasmophobia Tempest update patch notes. While you are here, make sure you check out our other Phasmophobia guides right here at Gamer Tweak.