You will want to know how to earn money fast in Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis. This will allow you to get various new items in the game. Also, remember that money in PSO2 is called N-Meseta. So, let’s find out how to earn more N-Meseta quickly in PSO2.

How to earn money quickly in Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis?

  • The first method to earn money fast is to completing trials and urgent quests.
  • Next, you can complete all the daily challenges to earn money as a reward.
  • You can also search and open all the Red Containers around the map.
  • Excess items can be sold for a profit in the shop.
  • The last method is to collect all the alpha reactors around the map.

Trials and Urgent Quests are the confirmed method that will net you money in the game. These missions will randomly appear around the map. As you progress further in the game, you will gradually start earning more from these trials and quests.

Completing Daily missions give you a good chance to earn EXP and money in large quantities. It also doesn’t take a lot of effort to complete these simple missions. So, it is worth spending time to complete all these mini-missions.

The next best method to earn money in PSO2 New Genesis is to find and open all the Red Containers that are scattered around. Once you find the locations for all of them you will have a good payday of 500000 N-Meseta.

If you have any extra items you can sell them off in the shop. Doing so will ensure that you get some cash in return for the items you use. It’s always good to recycle.

The last way to earn money fast is to search for the reactors around the map. Each reactor will net you 3500 N-Meseta which is good enough.

This is everything you need to know about how to earn N-Meseta money fast in Phantom Story Online 2 New Genesis. Now that you are here you can also have a look at how to increase battle power in the game.