Positive and negative pressure fans are an important part of building a computer. Fans are the major component that keeps your computer cool and helps prevent hardware issues caused by overheating the computer. Selecting the right air-pressure fan for your computer can be tricky and depends on your personal preferences. Generally, when you create positive pressure in PC, it allows your computer to avoid factors like dust particles from entering the system hardware. This guide will discuss positive and negative pressure fans and PC cooling positive vs negative pressure with their respective advantages and disadvantages. This article will help you decide between a positive vs negative pressure fan for your computer.

PC Positive vs Negative Pressure Fan: Which is Better?

You will get to know about positive vs negative pressure fan further in this article. Keep reading to learn more about it in detail.


  • PC Positive vs Negative Pressure Fan: Which is Better?
  • What are Pressure Fans in Computers?
  • What are Positive Pressure Fans?
  • What are the Advantages of Positive Pressure?
  • What are the Disadvantages of Positive Pressure Fans?
  • What are Negative Pressure Fans?
  • What are the Advantages of Negative Pressure Fans?
  • What are the Disadvantages of Negative Pressure Fans?
  • What are the Key Differences between Positive and Negative Pressure Fans?

What are Pressure Fans in Computers?

Fans are an important part of a PC; they help keep your system cool and avoid physical damage caused by heat. It is important to keep your PC fans well-maintained and updated. In this guide, we will discuss different types of pressure fans and will try to help you choose between PC cooling positive vs negative pressure in a computer.

  • A PC pressure fan may look like a regular fan, but its functions are very different from those of a regular fan.
  • A PC pressure fan directs air in a specific direction to keep the system cool. The pressure generated in a computer removes heat resistance and ensures air is pushed from tight spaces like radiators and dust covers.
  • Every pressure fan is rated on cubic feet per minute (CFM) scale. The CFM measures the volume of air that moves in a minute. The greater the CFM rating, the more air a fan would be able to move.
  • To maintain the cooling of your computer, you must ensure there are enough fans to push or pull air into and out of the system. More fans result in a higher total CFM and more air being moved through your computer.

Continue reading to learn how to create positive pressure in PC and how it affects your computer.

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What are Positive Pressure Fans?

A positive pressure PC fan is created when the total airflow in the intake fan is greater than the total airflow of the outlet fan. Positive pressure in PCs is usually preferred because it helps prevent dust particles from entering the computer system. Dust can effectively harm your computer and cause it to overheat unnecessarily. Keep reading to choose between PC positive vs negative pressure fan.

What are the Advantages of Positive Pressure?

The following are some of the advantages of having a positive pressure fan in computers. Continue reading to figure out the difference between PC cooling positive vs negative pressure.

  • Generally, a positive-pressure fan is preferred during constructing a PC to keep dust particles out of the computer hardware.
  • A positive-pressure fan can also maximize the graphics card cooler’s efficiency.
  • A positive-pressure fan PC is preferred to avoid overheating issues.

What are the Disadvantages of Positive Pressure Fans?

The following are some of the common disadvantages of a positive-pressure fan PC.

  • When a lot of intake fans are installed in a PC to build a positive pressure fan, it can cause noise upon functioning.
  • With an airflow system set up as all intake or fully positive pressure, the warm air will have only one place to escape. At the same time, the air will escape from the vent. However, air will stay inside the computer for a longer time than expected when you create positive pressure in the PC, which can further lower the cooling efficiency of the computer.

What are Negative Pressure Fans?

A PC can also be built with a negative pressure fan like a positive pressure fan. Generally, a negative pressure fan PC can be described as one with lower airflow from the intake fan in comparison to the airflow from the outlet fan. By configuring computer fans with negative air pressure, you can create low air pressure inside your PC system. The low air pressure causes air to be sucked in through gaps; this can pull in dust, dirt, and other particles that can harm hardware and cause heating issues.

What are the Advantages of Negative Pressure Fans?

The negative pressure fans can speed up the cooling process significantly, as they introduce more air from the outside than a positive air pressure fan. This is one of the major advantages of using a negative-pressure fan on computers.

What are the Disadvantages of Negative Pressure Fans?

There are a few disadvantages to negative pressure fans, as mentioned here.

  • Since a negative pressure fan sucks air from the outside of the computer system, it can make your computer vulnerable to dust particles.
  • Negative-pressure fans can overheat a computer quickly, as dust particles can obstruct the airflow.

What are the Key Differences between Positive and Negative Pressure Fans?

PC positive vs negative pressure fan can look similar to the look it, but they are different in functions. You can differentiate between positive and negative air pressure fans for computers with the following points.

  • Creating positive pressure in the PC introduces more intake airflow in compression to outgoing airflow. Similarly, negative air pressure fans include more outgoing airflow than entering airflow.
  • Positive air pressure fans are generally preferred for regular usages such as gaming and other heavy computer work, as they keep dust particles from entering the system. However, both kinds of air pressure fans completely depend on the user’s preferences.

Also Read: How to Fix an Overheating Laptop

Q1. What are positive pressure fans?

Ans. A positive-pressure fan can be described as a system that includes more airflow intake than exiting airflow.

Q2. What are negative pressure fans?

Ans. A negative pressure fan works opposite to a positive pressure fan. A negative pressure fan includes less airflow intake than the exiting airflow.

Q3. Which is better, a positive or negative pressure fan?

Ans. Although positive-pressure fans are generally preferred in computers because they prevent dust particles from entering the system, negative-pressure PCs are also popular, and preference can vary depending on PC usage.

Q4. Can airflow pressure inside the computer cause overheating?

Ans. Yes, if the heated air remains inside the computer for a long time, it can cause further overheating of your computer.

Q5. Why pressure fans are important?

Ans. Pressure fans are extremely important to control the overheating of a computer system. They also prevent dust particles from entering the computer.


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We hope this guide was helpful to you and you were able to choose between a positive vs negative pressure fan. Please let us know which pressure fan you chose. Feel free to reach out to us with your queries and suggestions via the comments section below. Also, let us know what you want to learn about next.