Pharah and Mercy, often called PharMercy in OW2 can be a big pain in matches. With both being able to fly, they consistently take down enemies from above, often catching you off-guard. They have close to perfect synergy with each other, but it’s not impossible to break it. Here’s how to counter Pharah Mercy in Overwatch 2.

How to Counter Pharah Mercy in OW2

Here are the counters for Pharah + Mercy (PharMercy) to get kills in Overwatch 2:

If you have PharMercy flying around, you can take them down if you have a Soldier 76 and/or Widowmaker on your team. With Soldier going for Pharah and Widowmaker taking down Mercy with a headshot (or vice versa), you can break their composition. Soldier’s ultimate will come in handy as well.

One strategy to weaken them is to quickly take down the other healer on the opposing team, which will force Mercy to choose who to heal. This may break their synergy, during which you can go for Pharah and Mercy separately. For this, you require good teamwork and seamless communication via voice chat. Many players also suggest avoiding trying to kill PharMercy (and avoiding getting killed by them) and just wiping off the enemy team on the ground consistently. When you do that, the match can be dominated.

Now, this doesn’t mean that only hitscan heroes can take them down. If Pharah makes the mistake of flying closer to the ground, Roadhog (Tank) can use his Chain Hook ability to bring her close and shoot her with your Scrap Gun. Test out the range of your chain hook in the practice range to figure out when you can whip it out to attack Pharah/Mercy.

Remember to also observe the opposing team heroes and make changes to your own team in the next round as required. There’s a chance that the enemy team has perfect coordination which may make PharMercy untouchable. Figure out the weaknesses and counters of the heroes and pick your characters according to that.

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At the end of the day, it depends on your skills and your team’s skills overall. If you have close to perfect aim, you can take this duo down in one shot, but if your opponents are the ones with better skills, they might keep moving around too much for you to aim at them.

The map you are playing on also plays a big role, of course. If your opponents are naive enough to choose PharMercy in a closed-off area with a roof, taking them down can be a cakewalk. But in open areas when fighting on the ground is tough on its own, having an extra consistently healing enemy in the sky can be a headache. Hopefully, the tricks mentioned above can break them up, eventually taking your team to a win.

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