In multiplayer shooter games, it is necessary to constantly improve the skills and stats in order to keep up with other opponents. Grinding is one way to enhance our skills and reflexes while playing any game. Moreover, improving strategies while keeping stats in mind is what pro players do. Several shooting games allow the player to check their stats like eliminations, damage dealt, total deaths in a game, etc. Luckily, Overwatch 2 also have this feature wherein a player can check their stats by pressing the Tab key. However, the title of each stat is displayed by its abbreviation and that confuses a lot of players. One such abbreviation in Overwatch 2’s stat menu is MIT. Know what does MIT stands for and what does it mean in Overwatch 2.

What does MIT Mean in Overwatch 2? (Explained)

MIT in Overwatch 2 stands for Damage Mitigated which shows how much damage you have repelled in a match. This stat is quite similar to the Damage Blocked feature from Overwatch 1. Thereafter, the MIT not only counts the damage blocked by a shield but also from the abilities that help to repel damage. Abilities that block incoming damage include Ana’s Nano Boost and Orisa’s Fortify just to name a few.

Heroes like Reinhardt, Sigma, and Brigitte are few of those characters that help to prevent incoming damage from the enemies. Further, Tank Heroes are the ones who are at benefit as they can pull some major numbers in the MIT section here. Apart from MIT, here are some other abbreviations in Overwatch 2:

  • E – It stands for total Elimination
  • A – It stands for total Assists
  • D – It stands for the total number of Deaths incurred by a player
  • DMG – It stands for the total number of Damage Dealt
  • H – It stands for total damage that was Healed during the match. Also, keep in mind that this stat can only be pulled up by Support Class Heroes in Overwatch 2

That’s everything covered for MIT in Overwatch 2. If you found this article helpful, then make sure to check out our other OW2 guides.