Overwatch 2 is on the verge of its full release and aside from being completely F2P it also offers cross-platform compatibility as compared to its predecessor. The new update brings a new game mode, a new character, and a few changes to the existing roster. These changes included Doomfist, who was previously a DPS agent, now having the abilities and HP of a Tank. After the beta run of the game where players got a taste of the changes, Doomfist has garnered a lot of attention as an overpowered Tank and quasi-DPS character now. Whether he gets a nerf in the future is not quite certain but for now, let’s dive into everything there is to know about Doomfist in Overwatch 2 and how to play with all the new abilities.

Is Doomfist an Effective Tank in Overwatch 2

Doomfist in Overwatch 2 is a primary offensive Tank character. Now if you are a frequent Overwatch player, you probably know that Tank is a role that takes the brunt of enemy’s attacks. This role consists of bulky characters with the highest HP and is required to go head-first into enemy territory and attack, allowing the rest of your team to take up that space and strategize.

Particularly with OW2 this year, Blizzard has put an end to the 2 or more Tank meta in the main PvP mode with 5v5 matches and the only-one Tank mandate. This requires tank players to be more versatile with their playstyle and also perform the role of the ‘Shield Tank’ specialized by characters like Reinhardt. Doomfist is viable in the single-tank meta because he can block enough attacks with the Power Block but also at the same time divulge into the enemy’s site lines and deal massive damage due to his former DPS abilities.

All of Doomfist’s Weapons and Abilities

  • Hand Cannon (Weapon): This is a shotgun that Doomfist can shoot from his hand but with ranged bullets. Each pellet does a damage of 5 and the weapon gets 4 bursts before reloading automatically after a brief cooldown.
  • Power Block: This ability allows Doomfist to shield and absorb any attacks from enemy weapons. This shield reduces any damage by 80% and powers up the Rocket Punch ability of the gauntlet after blocking 100 HP worth of attacks.
  • Rocket Punch: This is a damaging mobility skill that gives players the ability to charge up his gauntlet and launch in a direction. If directed towards an enemy, it does 15-30 damage on impact and slightly more if slammed against a wall.
  • Seismic Slam: This is another damaging mobility skill where players can lunge into the air and smash the ground with an AoE that does 50 damage throughout. This ability is also sometimes used to jump to higher places on the map.
  • Meteor Strike: Doomfist’s ultimate ability which is similar to Seismic Slam but you can select your target location to smash and deal heavy damage. The inner circle of the AoE does 300 damage.
  • Passive Abilities: This gives you temporary armor of upto 150 for dealing damage with your abilities. The armor starts decaying slowly after 1 second.

How to play Doomfist?

Doomfist is best played as a brawler tank that goes in and disrupts enemy’s defenses. This is on tangent with the ‘offtank’ or offensive tank role Overwatch players are used to. Now the best and standard way to play Doomfist is a unilateral procedure. Essentially, your goal as a Doomfist main should be to get your Rocket Punch charged up as soon as possible to target and deal massive damage, or even get a kill off a squishy enemy character. That means heading into the enemy’s line of fire and using the Power Block while absorbing some chip damage to charge your gauntlet.

The other abilities like Seismic Slam work best with a team synergy where you lunge into an enemy’s territory and create a distraction while your DPS members take space and strategize attacks. Doomfist especially thrives in this case because of the plenty of mobility skills he possesses. You can slam in and stun enemies, do some damage with your Hand Cannon and use the Rocket Punch to quickly escape back out while dealing damage.

That is everything you need to know on how to play Doomfist in Overwatch. If you found this article helpful and want more related content, check out this guide on how to play Mercy in this game.