Lucio is a healer who can deal damage, knock enemies off an edge and also heal/speed up the team. He can also do some awesome wall riding! If you encounter Lucio in most matches, you may be wondering which heroes to pick as a counter for him in Overwatch 2. Here are our suggestions.

How to Counter Lucio in Overwatch 2?

These are some of the best OW2 heroes to play against Lucio.

  • Cassidy
  • Tracer
  • Roadhog
  • Pharah


Lucio is fast but if faced with a Cassidy at close range, he can die with one shot. If you wish to avoid someone like Cassidy or Hanzo as Lucio, you need to keep moving erratically.


Speaking of movement, Tracer has a short-distance teleportation power which will make it tough for Lucio to aim at. She can catch you off-guard and knock you out instantly if you don’t watch your back.


A good Roadhog player will ensure that the healer of the team is out first and so, if they target a Lucio with their Chain Hook attack, consider yourself dead.


She is a good counter for Lucio for a similar reason why she’s a good counter for Junkrat – her being airborne. As Lucio, it can be tough to hit her with your projectiles because she can easily move out of the way (or they may not even reach her). On the other hand, she can easily land her barrage of rockets on Lucio from a height.


Apart from the heroes mentioned above, Genji, Sombra, Mei, Soldier:76, Symmetra, and Torbjorn/Sojourn can be good opponents for Lucio’s mobility. This is due to their hitscan/characters with auto-locking weapons/hacking abilities. The main goal is to ensure that Lucio loses his mobility/feels trapped and then it gets simple to eliminate him from the round. He is best played with another Tank or Damage hero so if you catch him alone, it’s time to take him down.

Hopefully, this helps you out. You can check out our OW2 Wiki guide for all tips and tricks we’ve covered till now which includes hero counters as well.