The launch of Overwatch 2 plagued the user experience of most of the players with issues, bugs, and constant crashes. That being said, Blizzard swiftly fixed an Auto-purchase bug that was causing players to make accidental purchases. This issue occurred when players were using the in-game chat. But Blizzard states that it won’t be able to refund any purchases. So, here’s everything to know about the Auto purchase bug in Overwatch 2.

Overwatch 2 – Blizzard Fixes Auto Purchase Bug But Refuses to Offer Any Refunds

The Auto-purchase bug came to the notice of the community by the Reddit user, u/Dracyoshi. While using the in-game chat in the Hero’s gallery, they found themselves accidentally purchasing Junker Queen’s Plutonium skin. Before the Reddit user could cancel the purchase, it already went through and bought the skin. Dracyoshi remarked that the game misinterpreted the typed text as the input for navigating the menu. Furthermore, Dracyoshi also mentioned that unlocking a skin takes simply two presses of the spacebar button key. So, anyone could be a victim of such a bug.

When the user reached out to Blizzard Support, they reverted in a mail. They stated that they cannot offer any refunds for unlocks by in-game currency. Dracyoshi added that while the bug caused 300 legacy credits, it could have been worse if players lost their premium currency. You can check out the entire Reddit thread by clicking here.

With the plethora of swarming problems and bugs already, things are not looking good for Overwatch 2. Having said that, we suggest being cautious as you browse the Hero Gallery and use chat. The recent hotfix update on October 10, did fix the chat bug that caused this error. But the issue of refunds remains a headache for several players.

There’s been an outcry from other frustrated OW 2 players as well. It can be quite disappointing as Blizzard won’t issue or offer any refunds. But we can only hope for Blizzard to offer refunds to the affected players.

That’s everything covered about the Auto-bug purchase fixed yet no refunds in Overwatch 2. If you liked this guide, check out our more helpful Overwatch 2 Guides in our dedicated section right here on Gamer Tweak.